2:00pm - Arrivals & Unpack in Dorms
     3:00pm - Relax with a cup of coffee
6:00pm - Dinner served in Dining Hall
7:00pm - Welcome Announcements in Chapel
7:30pm - Prayer in Chapel
8:00pm - Ice Cream Fellowship & Games


8:30am - Prayer in Chapel
9:30am - Breakfast served in Dining Hall
10:30am - Message #1 (Wendy Koenig)

12:00pm - 1:30pm
Option 1: Open Swim
  • meet at Activity Center
  • the lead: Wendy Koenig
Option 2: A 1 Thess 5:11 Connection
  • a time for intimate prayer & edification
  • meet at Chapel
  • the lead: Wendy Schmidt

1:30pm - 2:30pm
Lunch on your own & personal prayer time

2:30pm - 4:00pm 
Option 1: Creative Craft
  • stained-glass mason jars
  • the lead: Tammy Josker
Option 2: Free Time
  • feel free to explore the grounds, take a nap, or spend time with the Lord

4:00pm - Message #2 (Wendy Koenig)
5:30pm - Dinner served in Dining Hall
6:30pm - Fellowship Activities
Activity 1: A Walk at the Park
  • meet at Dining Hall front porch
  • the lead: Janet Metty
Activity 2: Game Time
  • volleyball
  • pickleball
8:30pm - Testimony Time
  • see questions below*
  • fellowship around the fireplace
  • meet at Chapel


8:30am - Prayer in Chapel
9:30am - Breakfast served in Dining Hall
10:30am - Message #3 (Janet Metty)
12:00pm - Pack up & Departure

Opportunity to Know Each Other More Intimately
Testimony Questions

  1. What are you learning about yourself lately?
  2. What’s one thing you are looking forward to this month?
  3. How do you stay connected to God throughout the week?
  4. Where do you go to feel the most at peace?
  5. When in your life did you feel closest to God?